Monday 12 October 2015

Female and Male Gaze

Gender gaze from MrsCmedia

Male Gaze

This is how women are seen;
by men
by women
by themselves.

This is the theory by Laura Mulvey that women should be have to be seen a certain way through the media. This is usually by the male's prospective.
Through this theory women can be objectified as a sexual object.
Female Gaze
This is how females look at  men. The male Gaze is the more powerful theory than the female gaze because it occurs more in society and is more obviously shown within media.

 I think the male gaze is the strongly shown more than the female gaze. However both theories are shown a lot in media, one more obvious than the other which is the male gaze as this is seen in the inbetweeners trailer, in this it is more of the subject of the movie/trailer. I do not agree with these theories as  some women would be offended by these theories and being sexualised and objectified. For male gaze,  some women may not look at men in that way and may find it unattractive, this is the same for men on the view of women.

In this picture it shows female gaze as it is portraying how society and media represent men as and what they should look like. Ziggy is attractive, got a tan and has a fit body therefore this an example of the female gaze.

This clip shows a counter stereotype and therefore disagrees with the male and female gaze theories as it is not targeting men or women or any sexuality and is not showing what women and men  should look like being attractive with a nice toned body. This is the opposite of it.

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